Monday, July 26, 2010

CIJ Day 26: Coconut Pecan Pie and The White House

For our dinner tomorrow I made a beautiful "Coconut Pecan Pie". It's been on my to do list for awhile, so I'm going for it. I've now adventured into all 3 Pecan Pies I wanted to make. Chocolate, Caramel and Coconut.

Now, let's move on to some White House, Christmas Facts and Figures. Here's info on what it takes to Deck the White House. 

18' 6 inches Height of White House Christmas tree every year.

250 Poinsettias in the Palm Room

780ft of garland strung throughout the building

13' Height of two Uncle Sam nutcrackers flanking the East Foyer

232 Wreaths in the White House

Various White House Photos Taken at Christmas Time.....Beautiful!

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